
2025 Registration

Registration Timeline for the 2025 Summer Season

Email with any questions. The team email account will be checked periodically throughout the off-season. 

2025 Fees

$180 for first swimmer, $160 for second swimmer, $150 for third swimmer, $140 for fourth swimmer. (Long course swimmers can pay $135, see below).

The rate for Hatchlings program will be $150 per swimmer.

When registering on Sports Engine (Formerly TeamUnify), you will be required to pay in full. The payment is non-refundable, except in rare cases approved by the CGST Leadership Team. There is also a transaction fee of 3.95%, set by Sports Engine. 

Additional Info:

Swimmers who regularly practice at the CPAFC (Crozet Park Aquatics & Fitness Center) will also need to purchase a membership for the equivalent of June/July. This cost is approx. $30/mo for youth membership or $79/mo for family membership. You can arrange this directly with ACAC at the start of the season. More information will be sent to team in May.

Long Course Swimmers: 

We still want you to be part of our family and our team! We will offer a LC swimmer rate of $135. This is ONLY for swimmers who will regularly practice with their year-round team, but will attend Wednesday CGST night meets and occasional other practices/team events. If your LC swimmer plans to attend more than 1 CGST practice per week, please sign up as a regular summer swimmer.

LC Swim families: Please register your non-Long Course swimmers as primary swimmers, then add LC swimmers. Ex: you have 2 swimmers, the older swims Long Course, the younger will attend CGST each morning.


Note 1: We cannot offer refunds for swimmers or families who change their minds or change their plans. We will consider exceptions on a case by case basis.

Note 2: Some financial assistance is available, including discounts and payment plans. We are committed to helping families stay connected with our team. Please email for more information.